Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Author Archive


Now you see it, now you dont … Change Blindness

Change blindness is an interesting natural phenomena every human experiences on a pretty regular basis, but what is it exactly? Essentially its our inability to spot obvious changes that occur around us. There has been a fair...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering Zombies… Getting people playing your game

In the wonderful world of InfoSec we often talk about zombies, and the associated botnet zombie army. With our army of machines we can do our evil bidding, and wreak havoc upon the unexpected users of the Interwebs. So what has...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – What We See Isn’t Always What We Get

Quick illusion based post to share with you this time. One of my little side projects is working on solving the Rubik’s cube quickly and it reminded me of a great anamorphic illusion that demonstrates that what our eyes s...
by Dale Pearson



Get Out Of Jail Free Card.. Don’t leave home without it

There are many things that we may consider essential to have with us when engaging in a social engineering test, but ensuring you have your Get Out Of Jail Free card should be one of the top items on your list, along with a fak...
by Dale Pearson


Body Talk.. Kick off your dancing shoes

The human body is a wonderful thing, I admit some more wonderful than others, but I digress. We all give of subtle signals, cues and tells. These are subconsciously taken in, but consciously we are not always aware of what is h...
by Dale Pearson