Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Author Archive


The glass half empty mentality… Failure is important

I thought I would take the opportunity to speak to all of you, both the people who I have exchanged DM’s and emails with, and those of you that are probably having these thoughts but not spoken to anyone about it. I am ta...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering Zombies… Getting people playing your game

In the wonderful world of InfoSec we often talk about zombies, and the associated botnet zombie army. With our army of machines we can do our evil bidding, and wreak havoc upon the unexpected users of the Interwebs. So what has...
by Dale Pearson


Improve Your Social Engineering Skills… Master Manipulator Mind Map

In my talk Head Hacking – The Magic of Suggestion and Perception, I talk about the best type of Social Engineer, this is the Master Manipulator. Many people have these skills naturally, but may not be consciously aware of...
by Dale Pearson



Attention Manipulation Techniques … Natural Buffer Overflows

A key part of being a Social Engineer is being able to create yourself windows of opportunity. These may be to distract peoples attention whilst you slip past a door, pull some keys from a key cabinet, acquire an access card ...
by Dale Pearson


Misdirection.. Now you see it, now you dont

Misdirection, is the hand quicker than the eye? I am sure we are all familiar with misdirection, I focus your attention on my left hand, whilst I do the old switcheroo with my right hand, and what do you know I made a coin disa...
by Dale Pearson