Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Author Archive


Successful Introductions … Getting Results

Happy New Year Everybody. Sorry I have been slack with blog posts this year, family and work are keeping me busy at the moment. So less about the excuses and more about the doing 🙂 When I speak to people about Social Enginee...
by Dale Pearson


Excited to be speaking at X33FCON in May 2018

I am excited to be confirmed as a speaker at this years (2018) X33FCON Conference in Poland. I will be speaking about my experiences / opinion on building Corporate Red Teams. If you want to know more about X33FCON and get your...
by Dale Pearson


Maltego Transforms … Recommended List

Regular visitors to the site will be familiar with the post on recommended OSINT tools, and one of those tools mentioned is Maltego. Maltego is an awesome tools that uses the power of machines to gather information and display ...
by Dale Pearson



Hypnosis.. The No FAIL Protocol

Earlier on in the year I attended the Blackpool Magic Convention, it was a great event and I met some great hypnotists and magicians. Whilst I was there I was introduced to a guy called James Tripp. James came across as a nice ...
by Dale Pearson


The Professional Opportunist … A Book Review

So I cant quite remember when it was, but I think it was the late part of 2010 that I stumbled across the work of this guy who goes by the name of James Brown. No not the musical one (although he may be a great singer), the one...
by Dale Pearson