Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



The Quick Posts Category

Sometimes I do something, or come across some information and I feel like its worth sharing but don’t quite have anywhere it fits in. So thanks to the pointer by my mate Craig Balding I am borrowing Didier Stevens “...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – Subliminal Hacking IRC Channel

Quick post to say I have now registered the Subliminal Hacking IRC Channel on Freenode, for no other reason to create another space for people to chat and discuss content on the site. Drop by for a natter at #subliminal-hacking...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – Instant Water into Ice Video

Over Christmas 2014 I caught up with some recorded TV, specifically Dynamo : Magician Impossible. One of the episodes I liked featured an effect where Dynamo take a bottle of water, pours some out and then shakes it and the wat...
by Dale Pearson