Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Quick Post – Subliminal Hacking IRC Channel

Quick post to say I have now registered the Subliminal Hacking IRC Channel on Freenode, for no other reason to create another space for people to chat and discuss content on the site. Drop by for a natter at #subliminal-hacking...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – More Illusions … Of the 3D Printed Variety

Loving illusions again at the moment, and found a couple that I could print on my 3D Printer, so I put it to work and here are the results, how you enjoy.
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – What We See Isn’t Always What We Get

Quick illusion based post to share with you this time. One of my little side projects is working on solving the Rubik’s cube quickly and it reminded me of a great anamorphic illusion that demonstrates that what our eyes s...
by Dale Pearson



The Quick Posts Category

Sometimes I do something, or come across some information and I feel like its worth sharing but don’t quite have anywhere it fits in. So thanks to the pointer by my mate Craig Balding I am borrowing Didier Stevens “...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – Lock Picking Gear

This is a quick post which also contains affiliate links 🙂 I am often asked by students, friends and co-workers where I get my lock picking gear from, and that place is a UK based store called WithOutAKey. They pretty much h...
by Dale Pearson