Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Installing and Using GitRob … OSINT For GitHub

Always in search of new and interesting tools to speed up and improve Open Source Intelligence Gathering, I came across a nice little command like tool written in Ruby called GitRob by Michael Henriksen. Essentially what this t...
by Dale Pearson


Common Practice to Witchcraft … Why do we challenge before exposure?

This months post is really a rant, but hopefully still has some informative value 🙂 A few weeks ago now Chris Nickerson and I were discussing some research on influence and manipulation, some of which was in relation to Ross...
by Dale Pearson


Head Hacker Speaking at BruCon 2010.. Belgium Security Conference

BruCON is an annual security and hacker(*) conference providing two days of an interesting atmosphere for open discussions of critical infosec issues, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implications on s...
by Dale Pearson



How To Integrate Metasploit with BeEF … Browser Exploitation Framework

So the Browser Exploitation Exploitation Framework (BeEF) has some awesome exploitation modules of its own, but when you combine it with the added awesome sauce that is Metasploit you get to have even more fun. Its like a Socia...
by Dale Pearson


Red Team Hiring – Are You The One?

Despite the madness that is Covid-19, I have been in the fortunate position to be hiring Red Teamers to join the amazing team I have the pleasure to work with. When hiring, people regularly reach out to me asking what I am look...
by Dale Pearson