Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Tweaking your Critical Factor … Understanding RAS

In previous posts (probably over a year ago now) I have spoken about this thing called the critical factor. In the hypnosis world this is the gatekeeper or firewall between your conscious and subconscious mind, helping to kee...
by Dale Pearson


Corporate Red Teaming To Me

I am writing this blog post to share my thoughts on what it means to run and be part of a Corporate Red Team, I am sure there are similarities with Red Teams outside of the Corporate world but I don’t pretend to talk abou...
by Dale Pearson


Human Phishing … Playing the Odds

Happy Easter everyone, I have some spare time so I thought I would put fingers to keyboard and put a blog post out I have had on my mind for the last month. Even though I plan to post every month, life with a little one and bus...
by Dale Pearson



Social Engineering CTF… Showing the value of testing the human element

In Vegas this year (July 2010) there was an interesting contest going on, it was a social engineering capture the flag setup by the great guys at This was a great event, and it has attracted some media ...
by Dale Pearson


Scout Motto… Always be prepared

Apologies its been a few weeks since I posted, what with starting a new day job, and many many things to sort out at home I have struggled to get the time and the mindset to get something written. So I thought I would do a quic...
by Dale Pearson