Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘Influence’


Building Rapport and getting Buy In… Simples

Everything related to social engineering, and the various skills we have discussed all need a foundation to work from to give us the influencing power we need to have the victim / subject doing our deeds. So how do we set-up th...
by Dale Pearson


Derren Brown Pushed To The Edge … A Good Reminder

Tuesday the 12th January 2016, Derren Brown returned to our screens and presented us with Pushed To The Edge. The premise for the show was to demonstrate how social compliance can influence behaviour, and how plausible would it...
by Dale Pearson


The Idiots That Get Socially Engineered

We are all familiar with Social Engineering, we experience it every day, its covered in the media and is utilised in various different contexts. However, a common theme that I read about, but also have people talk to me about i...
by Dale Pearson



Social Engineering Zombies… Getting people playing your game

In the wonderful world of InfoSec we often talk about zombies, and the associated botnet zombie army. With our army of machines we can do our evil bidding, and wreak havoc upon the unexpected users of the Interwebs. So what has...
by Dale Pearson


Subliminal Hacking at BruCon 2011 … Belgium Security Conference

BruCON is an annual security and hacker(*) conference providing two days of an interesting atmosphere for open discussions of critical infosec issues, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implications on s...
by Dale Pearson