Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘Body Language’


Body Talk.. Kick off your dancing shoes

The human body is a wonderful thing, I admit some more wonderful than others, but I digress. We all give of subtle signals, cues and tells. These are subconsciously taken in, but consciously we are not always aware of what is h...
by Dale Pearson


Body Talk… Getting a Facial

Back on the body language this week, and this time we are going to look at the face. The face gets lots of attention when it comes to body language, many people think it tells us the most, but as we have already considered, oth...
by Dale Pearson


Setting your motivation… Mind Scripts

Getting into character is an important part of being successful on a social engineering engagement. You may be physically impersonating a sales guy, engineer, employee, or you may be carrying out your fiendish work remotely gat...
by Dale Pearson



Influence.. Decision and Deception

Influence, this is a term we are all familiar with, and influencing skills are something many of us use everyday. This post is going to look at the benefit and utilisation skills that can be used day to day, and in the context ...
by Dale Pearson


The Behavioural Table of Elements – Body Language

I recently became aware of a US based Intelligence and Behaviour Expert by the name of Chase Hughes. I picked up his book The Ellipsis Manual which has been a great addition to my collection of books and resources on body langu...
by Dale Pearson