Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



OSINT Tools … Recommendations List

Free OSINT Tools. With the New Year fast approaching I thought now would be a great time to post the first draft of some recommended Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering tools and resources. I will look to maintain this l...
by Dale Pearson


Maltego Transforms … Recommended List

Regular visitors to the site will be familiar with the post on recommended OSINT tools, and one of those tools mentioned is Maltego. Maltego is an awesome tools that uses the power of machines to gather information and display ...
by Dale Pearson


How To Collaborate With Maltego … Rolling Your Own XMPP Server

* I started this post in Feb 2014 but it took me a while to actually finish it 🙁 Aside from mentioning Maltego in my recommended OSINT Tools List, I have never gone into any detail about this awesome tool from Paterva. The m...
by Dale Pearson



Maltego Transformtastic… Information Gathering Made Simple

So back on August 27th 2010 at 3:55am I had a great idea. I will do a quick video on Maltego basics 🙂 Then nearly 5 years went by and I never got around to doing it, mainly intimidated by the awesome videos Paterva do themse...
by Dale Pearson


Installing and Using GitRob … OSINT For GitHub

Always in search of new and interesting tools to speed up and improve Open Source Intelligence Gathering, I came across a nice little command like tool written in Ruby called GitRob by Michael Henriksen. Essentially what this t...
by Dale Pearson