Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Neuro Linguistic Programing…. Art or Science

Next we shall talk about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP has become more well known over the years now, but there is still some controversy and taboo on the subject. Wikipedia Definition – Neuro-linguistic program...
by Dale Pearson


Social Compliance and Manipulation… The Art of Confidence

As human beings we are very good at making excuses, and always believing that some how we have it worse than the other guy. There is often that mentality that, its not we don’t want to do this or that, its just that ̷...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering… Is It Ethical??

When I speak to people (non Infosec passionate types) about the work and research I do around the content I post on Head Hacker, I normally get a few responses. Shock, Disgust and Intrigue. People are shocked because they are n...
by Dale Pearson



NLP for Social Engineers – Mike Murray

Not long after kicking off Head Hacker, I got speaking to Mike Murray. I am sure many of you will be familiar with his thoughts and work in the SE space. Well he made me aware of a recent project he has also kicked of which is ...
by Dale Pearson


Imagination … The Power of Infuence??

Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be ...
by Dale Pearson