Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Derren Brown’s Svengali Tour … Brilliant!

Last night (11/05/2011) I had the pleasure of going to see Derren Brown’s Svengali show at the Alexandra Theatre in Birmingham. Before I continue, I would like to say a big thanks to my wife for looking after our 6 week o...
by Dale Pearson


Getting you Rigid… Hypnotic Phenomena Explained

Greetings all, this week we are going to touch on some hypnosis again. When talking about the use of hypno in a social engineering or entertainment context it often comes down to the phenomena your going to utilise. To people n...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering… Is It Ethical??

When I speak to people (non Infosec passionate types) about the work and research I do around the content I post on Head Hacker, I normally get a few responses. Shock, Disgust and Intrigue. People are shocked because they are n...
by Dale Pearson



Hypnosis.. The No FAIL Protocol

Earlier on in the year I attended the Blackpool Magic Convention, it was a great event and I met some great hypnotists and magicians. Whilst I was there I was introduced to a guy called James Tripp. James came across as a nice ...
by Dale Pearson


Phenomena Activity… Hypno on Camera

So this post is abit late in the week, but I have been busy with work, as well as continual tweaking of the presentation I am working, and helping people to experience hypnosis. So due to the time constraints I have opted to po...
by Dale Pearson