Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘OSINT’


Illusions of Trust … The Way of the Cyber Criminal

Trust is an important thing to most intelligent species, and without it relationships and general interactions cease to flourish and are nothing more than a professional exchange of dialogue. When you think about trust and the ...
by Dale Pearson


Maltego Transformtastic… Information Gathering Made Simple

So back on August 27th 2010 at 3:55am I had a great idea. I will do a quick video on Maltego basics 🙂 Then nearly 5 years went by and I never got around to doing it, mainly intimidated by the awesome videos Paterva do themse...
by Dale Pearson


Installing and Using GitRob … OSINT For GitHub

Always in search of new and interesting tools to speed up and improve Open Source Intelligence Gathering, I came across a nice little command like tool written in Ruby called GitRob by Michael Henriksen. Essentially what this t...
by Dale Pearson



Facebook Graph … Social Engineering OSINT gets Graphical

So Facebook currently have a new offering in beta form, and its called ‘Facebook Graph’. Woopie Doo I hear you cry, but it may actually be something to sauce up your Social Networking OSINT a little more if you are ...
by Dale Pearson


OSINT Tools … Recommendations List

Free OSINT Tools. With the New Year fast approaching I thought now would be a great time to post the first draft of some recommended Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering tools and resources. I will look to maintain this l...
by Dale Pearson