Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘Mentalism’


The glass half empty mentality… Failure is important

I thought I would take the opportunity to speak to all of you, both the people who I have exchanged DM’s and emails with, and those of you that are probably having these thoughts but not spoken to anyone about it. I am ta...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering Zombies… Getting people playing your game

In the wonderful world of InfoSec we often talk about zombies, and the associated botnet zombie army. With our army of machines we can do our evil bidding, and wreak havoc upon the unexpected users of the Interwebs. So what has...
by Dale Pearson


Derren Brown’s Infamous Tour … Awesome Sauce!

Last night (21st May 2013) was that special time again when I headed off to see a new offering from the master that is Derren Brown, this time wrapped up in his new stage show Infamous at the New Alexandra Theatre Birmingham. I...
by Dale Pearson



The Session Convention – EVENT Mentalism

2010 was my first and last visit to the Blackpool Magic Convention, I had a great time there but I really only went there to meet with some hypnosis people and dip my toe into the magic community. I meet some great people there...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – Thoughts on Loochs The Black Project

Just a quick post to share a short video I made a few weeks ago after reading Looch’s The Black Project. This was the most expensive book I have ever purchased at £290 pounds, and I did so to get into the mind of one of ...
by Dale Pearson