Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘Lock Picking’


Quick Post – Lock Picking Gear

This is a quick post which also contains affiliate links 🙂 I am often asked by students, friends and co-workers where I get my lock picking gear from, and that place is a UK based store called WithOutAKey. They pretty much h...
by Dale Pearson


Invest in the Community…Schuyler Towne and Open Locksport

One of the best thing about the InfoSec community is the people. Sure like everywhere there are the idiots, big headed know it alls, and the leachers, but in general we are a supportive bunch, and happy to share. So this brings...
by Dale Pearson


Lock Picking.. Graceful Entry Techniques

The ability to pick a lock may not be an essential social engineering skill, but I would say its an advantageous one to have, oh and its fun to. Wikipedia Definintion – Lock picking is the skill of unlocking a lock by ana...
by Dale Pearson