Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘Hypnosis’


Welcome to Head Hacker

Welcome and thanks for visiting the Head Hacker website. The goal of this site is to discuss the benefits, process, theories and qualities associated with social engineering, and what I consider to be linked skills, products an...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering Zombies… Getting people playing your game

In the wonderful world of InfoSec we often talk about zombies, and the associated botnet zombie army. With our army of machines we can do our evil bidding, and wreak havoc upon the unexpected users of the Interwebs. So what has...
by Dale Pearson


Phenomena Activity… Hypno on Camera

So this post is abit late in the week, but I have been busy with work, as well as continual tweaking of the presentation I am working, and helping people to experience hypnosis. So due to the time constraints I have opted to po...
by Dale Pearson



Getting you Rigid… Hypnotic Phenomena Explained

Greetings all, this week we are going to touch on some hypnosis again. When talking about the use of hypno in a social engineering or entertainment context it often comes down to the phenomena your going to utilise. To people n...
by Dale Pearson


The Professional Opportunist … A Book Review

So I cant quite remember when it was, but I think it was the late part of 2010 that I stumbled across the work of this guy who goes by the name of James Brown. No not the musical one (although he may be a great singer), the one...
by Dale Pearson