Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Attention Manipulation Techniques … Natural Buffer Overflows

A key part of being a Social Engineer is being able to create yourself windows of opportunity. These may be to distract peoples attention whilst you slip past a door, pull some keys from a key cabinet, acquire an access card ...
by Dale Pearson


Derren Brown Pushed To The Edge … A Good Reminder

Tuesday the 12th January 2016, Derren Brown returned to our screens and presented us with Pushed To The Edge. The premise for the show was to demonstrate how social compliance can influence behaviour, and how plausible would it...
by Dale Pearson


Whats my motivation darling? … The Pretext

There are many essential skills required to be successful at social engineering, and one we have mentioned before but never really gone into is Pretexting. The easiest way I find to describe a pretext is to consider the motivat...
by Dale Pearson



Now you see it, now you dont … Change Blindness

Change blindness is an interesting natural phenomena every human experiences on a pretty regular basis, but what is it exactly? Essentially its our inability to spot obvious changes that occur around us. There has been a fair...
by Dale Pearson


Illusions of Trust … The Way of the Cyber Criminal

Trust is an important thing to most intelligent species, and without it relationships and general interactions cease to flourish and are nothing more than a professional exchange of dialogue. When you think about trust and the ...
by Dale Pearson